SAM Blog Policies

Social Action Ministries (SAM) is a program of the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance (MHSA), which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The SAM blog is designed to provide a space for dialogue about the relationship between social action and religious and non-religious beliefs and practices. While the mission of SAM is to engage people of diverse religious and ethical commitments in ending homelessness, SAM is not a religious organization and does not support or promote any religious tradition, denomination or community. If your religious or ethical affiliation is not represented on the blog or if you have a particular perspective you would like to add to the blog’s dialogue, we invite you to contact Caitlin Golden, Social Action Ministries Coordinator, at

The views expressed on this blog or on pages to which this blog is linked do not necessarily reflect the views of SAM or MHSA.

This is a moderated blog, and all comments will be submitted for approval by the blog administrator prior to being posted. SAM will only post comments discussing how faith or other beliefs and practices shape social action, homelessness and housing or other relevant topics. Comments that contain abusive, vulgar, offensive or threatening language will not be posted, nor will comments containing links to products or services irrelevant to the subject of the blog. While SAM does encourage advocacy for policies that contribute to the mission of ending homelessness, SAM does not promote or oppose any specific political candidate or political party and will not post comments of that nature.

By submitting material, you are confirming that you are at least 13 years of age and that the material submitted is not confidential or copyrighted. Submission also gives SAM permission to publish that material on the SAM blog and in other SAM and MHSA media formats, both electronic and print.

SAM reserves the right not to post comments that do not meet the standards and purposes of the blog and to edit material submitted as necessary.

Thank you for adhering to these policies. We look forward to an engaging dialogue!