Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Call for Advocates: Changing the Public Discourse about Homelessness

In our May 16 blog post “Love in the Long-Term: Community Service and Systemic Change,” we reflected on a challenge that communities of faith and ethical commitment face when engaging in social action efforts—the challenge of approaching these efforts both with love and a critical eye toward what steps we must take to implement long-term solutions.

Click here to read the rest of this post on the new SAM blog, socialactionma.wordpress.com.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jewish Homelessness in History: What It Teaches Us Now

This week, Joshua Stanton, Founding co-Editor of the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue, reflects on how the Jewish historical experience of homelessness informs his understanding of housing as a fundamental human need.

I first saw a Judería when walking in the streets of Segovia, a small Spanish city just a couple of hours outside of Madrid. Though not a Jewish “ghetto” in being so tightly sealed as the Jewish areas of Venice or Rome, it delimited the section of the city in which Jews could settle.

Click here to read the rest of this post on the new SAM blog at socialactionma.wordpress.com.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interfaith Dialogue & Youth Ministry

In this blog post, originally published on the blog of the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), Rachael McNeal, a Masters in Divinity candidate at Princeton Theological Seminary, reflects on the question: “What is it about Jesus that makes you want to do interfaith work?”

Click here to read this blog post on the new SAM blog at socialactionma.wordpress.com.